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Kingdom Impact Maker Challenge Starts August 13th
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For Our Next Challenge Happening in LATE 2021

LIVE Masterclass For Coaches Looking For Authentic Daily Client Acquisition

Does Your Coaching Business Sound Like This?

Discover How To Master The Most Under-taught Method of Growing Your Coaching Business In Just 3 Days...

Discover How To Master The Most Under-taught Method of Growing Your Coaching Business In Just 3 Days...

  • Finally Step Into Your Authentic Power As A Coach & Breakthrough The Ceiling of Consistent Profits
  • Discover The Secret To Creating A Genuinely Deep Connection With Your Clients For An Even Deeper Impact In Their Lives
  • Never Have Your “Self Worth” Triggered Again From A “No” & Elevate Your Standards To More “Yeses”
  • ​Finally Give Yourself Permission To Go All In As A Coach By Helping Your Clients Get Even Bigger Wins In Less Time!
  • ​Naturally Become The Authentic Coach That Attracts The RIGHT Clients With Less Effort & Stress
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  • Finally Step Into Your Authentic Power As A Coach & Breakthrough The Ceiling of Consistent Profits
  • ​Discover The Secret To Creating A Genuinely Deep Connection With Your Clients For An Even Deeper Impact In Their Lives
  • Never Have Your “Self Worth” Triggered Again From A “No” & Elevate Your Standards To More “Yeses”
  • ​Finally Give Yourself Permission To Go All In As A Coach By Helping Your Clients Get Even Bigger Wins In Less Time!
  • ​Naturally Become The Authentic Coach That Attracts The RIGHT Clients With Less Effort & Stress

Then You NEED the A.U.T.H.E.N.T.I.C. Coaching Masterclass!

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The A.U.T.H.E.N.T.I.C. Coaching Masterclass

In 3 LIVE action-packed days, you’ll get Clarity on your Direction, Clarity on Who you Are as a Coach and as a Person, and an Actionable 12-month system you can follow to achieve your dreams.


Step Into Your Authentic Self

You don’t have to be someone different to coach people. You don’t have to change who you are to help create massive results for your clients. When you show up authentically as the person you are meant to be, your business and your impact will soar… your client’s response (and results) will be greater than you ever thought possible. 

Recognize Your Innermost Powerful Coach Within

You already have everything you need to be a successful coach. You just need to access the information already inside you. It’s been there the whole time. All that’s left is to step into and own the person you already are!

Create Possibilities for You AND Your Clients

When you “live in your head” you can get bogged down with doubt and fear of your abilities. But, if you step out of your story for a moment, you’ll see things in a new way. And that allows you to clearly create possibilities that were not available to you before.


LIVE Action-Packed Days!

April 19th - 21st, 

Day 1 - Mastering Your Coaching Super Power

Discover The Secret To Maximizing Your Hidden Super Power As A Coach To Create Client Breakthroughs In Less Than 15 Minutes.

Day 2 - The A.u.t.h.e.n.t.i.c. Client Attraction Method

A Step By Step Process To Using Each Client Call To Attract Your Next High Performing Client On Demand.

VIP Day 3 - Your 12 Month Success Plan

Join Me For An Exclusive (VIP ONLY) Implementation Day As We Plan Your Most Impactful, Profitable Year As A Coach.

Day 4 - Being Successful And Extraordinary

  • Success is not a real destination
  • Extraordinary is attainable for ordinary people
  • “We’re always trying to get somewhere and it’s freaking nuts.”

Day 5 - Outlining The Next 12 Months

  • Without a goal to focus on, we’re running around aimlessly
  • 7 Steps to create powerful goals
  • How to measure and gauge your and your client’s transformation

Meet Your Coach:

Steven Krivda

Steve Krivda has coached hundreds of people globally. From small business owners, CEOs, and high-level executive teams. 

Through his experience, he has become the authority in the "art of coaching." He trains top business leaders to duplicate their success for increased revenue, efficiency, and productivity throughout their organizations.

Steve doesn’t tell you what to do. He leads you through a process to discover what is already in you. And that’s the art of coaching.

Steve is certified in:

  •  Ziglar Legacy Speaker/Trainer/Coach
  • ​John Maxwell Coach
  • ​Results in Coaching
  • ​NLP Life Coaching and Timeline Coaching

Steve helps people see their blind spots so they can live a powerfully successful life. He shows people how to create a coaching business they love through deep, long-lasting transformation.

"Discover your Kingdom Calling & Learn How to Create A
PROFITABLE Coaching Business 
that Glorifies God & 
Impacts HIS Kingdom!"

Check Out What People Are Saying About Steve And His Coaching Programs:

I went from Scared, asking for a Couple Hundred Dollars… to Confidently Writing Proposals of $11,000 – $15,000 and Knowing My Value backs it up.

Impact Business Coach

~Danica Trebel

I created a $3,000 client, just this week.

Corporate Coach

~Tony Schmaltz

When you sign up today, you will get full access to 3-days of FREE LIVE TRAINING

Discover how successful and powerful the life of freedom you can live when you embrace WHO God says YOU ARE

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Want To Know The Same Strategies Our Students are using to Become Champions in Life?

Take it from Tom Ziglar - Legend, Author of Choose to Win and Son of Zig Ziglar

See Why The A.U.T.H.E.N.T.I.C Coach Challenge Will Soon Be The #1 Online Training Program and Community For Coaches Who Want To Transform Their Client's Lives

See What Our Students Are Saying...

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